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Welcome To Your Weekly Dose Of Joy

Nov 20, 2023

Greetings, beautiful soul,

Happy Thanksgiving Week

I'm deeply grateful for your presence in my journey and am bathed in the
radiant joy you 
bring to my life. 

My intention in crafting these Weekly Dose of JOY newsletters has always been to keep them brief, crystal clear, and centered around the pure essence of joy and the mental shifts needed to break through.

In the embrace of this week, as we gather in heartfelt appreciation for our families (and friends, who, for some, are the cherished extensions of their family), let's also open our hearts in gratitude for the simple beauty of being fully present in this moment. May the energy of thankfulness ripple through every breath, filling our souls with the divine abundance of joy.

⚡️ [JJJ - Julie's Joyful JOLT]⚡️

It’s not always easy to take a break
It’s not always easy to be totally present 
It’s not always easy to relax and know that all is well
I’m choosing this holiday week to practice 
I’m choosing this holiday week to be mindful
I’m choosing this holiday week to be present
I like knowing that I can release and let go and still be ok
I like knowing that I can relax, enjoy and unwind
I like knowing that by taking time off is what will bring on success
I like  that when I re-energize, more abundance flows to me
I like that when I relax, more abundance flows through me
I like that when I re-group, I am more to others

I AM Thankful

I AM Grateful

I AM Present

Again, I am thankful and grateful for YOU, my community of JOYful entrepreneurs!  If you are still with me, reply back with one thing you are most grateful for!


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