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Welcome To Your Weekly Dose Of Joy

julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 11-6-23 life coach spirited soul coaching Nov 06, 2023

Hello my soulful friend,

Many years ago, I learned about our Reticular Activating System (RAS). Stay with me here! This part of our brains keeps us from going crazy. It's a sifter, a sorter, and a built-in matchmaker that lives in your head and matches your thoughts.

We have about 70,000 thoughts a day, and 90% of them are negative! Whoa!! That means 60,000 thoughts per day are the opposite of all those mantras you have been saying once a day!

When you spend most of your day thinking, "I want…" 
you're telling your brain you don't have it.
So, how do we shift our brain into believing we already have what we want?
You become a proactive thinker.

Most of us think by default. Our brain loves to solve problems, so let's use this week's Dose of JOY and our JOLT to ask proactive questions.

⚡️[JJJ - Julie's Joyful JOLT]⚡️

I want more money
I want to feel healthy
I want more energy
I want all my bills paid in full
I want more clients
I want, I want, I want (you fill in the blank)
Ugh, that feels a bit constrictive 
I don't want my brain to match what I don't have
I'm going to use some "ask formations"
How am I so abundant?
How is it so easy for me to fit exercise into my day?
How is it that my body is filled with well-being and health?
How is it that my bills are paid in full, and I have plenty left over?
How is it so easy for more and more clients to find me?
How is it that the more fun I have, the more money I make?
How is it that I feel so light and filled with calm assurance?
How is it that I attract the perfect relationships into my life?
How am I such an excellent example of a positive mindset?
How am I making such a difference in the world?
How am I filled with joy, ease, and flow?


Breathe it in…..You CAN shift your day and create an abundant life for yourself and the people you touch! You are worthy; you matter!

Throughout your day, notice what you are seeing. 

This first step shifts your awareness cycle and begins the process of enlightening your spirit. Are you ready to add more steps to evolve your journey into the life you want to live with ease and overflow? 

Take the second step and apply now to see if we are a good fit to work together. Apply Now


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