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julie kraschinsky life coaching spirited soul coaching Apr 22, 2024

You can’t make it happen

Happy Monday!

Each month, I choose a word that I often think of. April is Audacious Abundance! Yeah, I know, that's two words!!😁

I was expecting something magnificent to transpire, and it has.

Setting an intention and never thinking about it again throughout your day and month isn't the answer. I know I've said, "Set it and forget it." But it goes a bit deeper than that. "Set it and go get it!" Nope, I wouldn't say I like that either. How about "Intend it and allow it!" Yes! That is what works when you add a sprinkle of belief and a high-energy vibe to it; it just seems to find you.

⚡️[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT⚡️

I set a goal this month, and I don't see it happening
I wrote down what I wanted to accomplish; I don't see it yet
I wrote it down and looked at it once or twice; nothing
I keep focusing on it not being here
I keep noticing that it has not yet "arrived."
I keep telling everyone I don't have it yet
I keep putting attention to what is not showing up
Ah, now I remember
What I focus on, I get
I'm focusing on what is not happening
I'm keeping the energy of lack alive
Well, that seems easy to shift
Now that I'm aware of it
Now that I realize what I'm doing
I can change my focus
I can change what I'm thinking
I can change what I'm saying
I can go back to believing I could achieve it
I can go back to when I set the intention; I believed it
I can go back to feeling that it is coming to me
After all, isn't believing knowing it's coming without seeing 
After all, I’m taking steps in the right direction to attract it
After all, if I believe it, feel good about it and take action
It just seems to find me
I like how it seems to show up
I like how it matches my energy
I like how it seems easy now
I like how it flows to me easily
I like how that feels
I like how that feels
I like how that feels
     Ah, that feels so much better, doesn't it? 

If you're still with me, this is your sign to take advantage of one of my complimentary, totally free, no-strings-attached coaching sessions. If you have never had a coach, had a coach, and didn't like being told what to do (that was me), or understand the importance of having someone who can see something you might not be able to see yourself, this is for you! Grab one HERE before they are gone! Let's create something together!

With Audacious Abundance,

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