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julie kraschinsky life coaching spirited soul coaching Apr 22, 2024

You can’t make it happen

Happy Monday!

Each month, I choose a word that I often think of. April is Audacious Abundance! Yeah, I know, that's two words!!

I was expecting something magnificent to transpire, and it has.

Setting an intention and never thinking about it again throughout your day and month isn't the answer. I know I've said, "Set it and forget it." But it goes a bit deeper than that. "Set it and go get it!" Nope, I wouldn't say I like that either. How about "Intend it and allow it!" Yes! That is what works when you add a sprinkle of belief and a high-energy vibe to it; it just seems to find you.

[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT

I set a goal this month, and I don't see it happening
I wrote down what I wanted to accomplish; I don't see it yet
I wrote it down and looked at it once or twice; nothing
I keep focusing on it not being here
I keep noticing that it has not yet "arrived."
I keep telling everyone I don't have it yet
I keep putting attention to what is not showing up
Ah, now...

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