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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 5-13-24 life coach spirited soul coaching May 13, 2024

Beach or Mountains?

Good Monday Morning! I hope you're ready for a week filled with inspiration and growth.

This week, I am putting the final touches on our first 2-day beach retreat. There will be ten lovely ladies who said "YES" without even really knowing all the details. Sometimes (always ), you need to listen to your gut. Trust that the "yes" was a sign that you would be led down a path of introspection and wonder. And it will be magical all because you said "YES!"


Welcome to Julie's Joyful JOLT, a space designed to empower you to joyfully challenge and overcome your limited thinking. We start by identifying a common limiting belief,  and then we flip it on its head. Remember, you hold the reins to your thoughts and beliefs. 

[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT

(This week's JOLT is adapted from my mentor, Dana Wilde's 'Rants')

It's exhausting trying to figure it all out
It's exhausting trying to make "it happen."
I'm trying to attract the clients and money to me

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 5-6-24 life coach spirited soul coaching May 06, 2024

Slow down to speed up

Hello beautiful!

There is so much to learn when we slow down. In this hectic, instant-gratification life, we miss so much by filling our days with back-to-back appointments, rushing to and from one thing to another, and even talking more than listening!

Over the last few years, I have been practicing slowing down, which has actually sped up my results. I've allowed myself space on my calendar between appointments, time to walk in nature almost every day (weather permitting), and extra time for my morning quiet time.

I'm permitting you to schedule less on your calendar this month, leave space in your day to create, and take time off to do something you love. It's OK! The world will not stop without you!  Time will expand, and what you desire will be a vibrational match to you and find you!!


[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT

I'm going to start leaving space in my calendar
I'm going to start slowing down 
I'm going to take time to...

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julie kraschinsky life coaching spirited soul coaching Apr 22, 2024

You can’t make it happen

Happy Monday!

Each month, I choose a word that I often think of. April is Audacious Abundance! Yeah, I know, that's two words!!

I was expecting something magnificent to transpire, and it has.

Setting an intention and never thinking about it again throughout your day and month isn't the answer. I know I've said, "Set it and forget it." But it goes a bit deeper than that. "Set it and go get it!" Nope, I wouldn't say I like that either. How about "Intend it and allow it!" Yes! That is what works when you add a sprinkle of belief and a high-energy vibe to it; it just seems to find you.

[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT

I set a goal this month, and I don't see it happening
I wrote down what I wanted to accomplish; I don't see it yet
I wrote it down and looked at it once or twice; nothing
I keep focusing on it not being here
I keep noticing that it has not yet "arrived."
I keep telling everyone I don't have it yet
I keep putting attention to what is not showing up
Ah, now...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 4-15-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Apr 15, 2024

Feeling Taxed? Let's Add Some Joy to Your Inbox!

Good, glorious morning to you!

While on a call the other day, one of the women said, "I hate the IRS." I immediately thought, "That was harsh!" As a business owner, you're going to owe taxes. In fact, if you are making money, you will owe taxes.

Julie, this is supposed to be filled with joy! Why are you talking about taxes???? because it's how you look at things. You're not alone. We look at our bank accounts and then make decisions based on what we see.

 I know this is your reality, but what about if you were in control (and you are!) of telling your money where to go?

[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT


Let’s begin:

I didn't plan for this "unexpected" bill
I didn't plan to have to pay this much
I buried my head in the sand all year
Now, I am paying the price 
I don't like how this feels
Having said this, I am now aware 
Having realized that I am the creator of this
I know better
I know what I should do
I know what I...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 3-25-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Mar 25, 2024

I created this mess?

Hello Beautiful friend!

I like to read; I always have. When I was a young girl, I enjoyed Nancy Drew. Then I expanded to romance novels, then on to mysteries. When I was introduced to personal development and then on to universal laws, I became what you could call obsessed. I can’t get enough of it! 

I have been researching how the brain works and educating myself on neuroscience—it’s fascinating! Thus, I say in my preview, “I created this mess?”   

Science has confirmed that our thoughts and feelings create our results. If we believe this, then we have to acknowledge that what we are living today is a result of our thoughts from the past. So, if this is true, let’s create the new future we truly desire.

[JJJ] Julie's Joyful JOLT

It’s hard to believe that I could have created this mess
It’s hard to believe I would have wanted this situation
It’s hard to believe that I would have wished...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 3-18-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Mar 18, 2024

Yikes I’m behind on my goals

Good morning!

Could a mindset reset regarding your goals on January 1 be in order?? We sometimes set these Big Harry Audacious Goals because we think we should or see others doing it. Do you feel like it’s “too late” to accomplish what you intended to do?

Take a step back and look at the goals. Are they reasonable? Are they out of touch? Are they a big stretch? They can be all of those and still be attainable. 

Not what you thought I was going to say??

If you’ve been in my space for any length of time, you know that I believe anything is possible when you have faith, a clear vision for what you desire, AND you take intentional, feel-good action. 

It’s so important that we take time to celebrate what is working and take our focus off what we have not yet accomplished. This is more difficult than just changing your mind on a dime. It takes practice. I have a JOLT for that! (First, acknowledge your feelings;...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 3-11-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Mar 11, 2024

Make work fun again, please

Happy Monday, Soulful friend!

Is your “to-do list” longer than hours in the day? Is it daunting? Is it a bit overwhelming? Do you wonder how you will ever accomplish all that you desire??

Being overwhelmed and having too much to do causes the most stress for many women entrepreneurs. Is this YOU or someone you know? Feel free to share this with them.

I will share a fun exercise today with a short JOLT to accompany it. This is taken from Abraham Hicks with a recent reminder from one of my favorites, Dana Wilde.

It’s called The Placemat Process.

Play with me? Grab a piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle.

On the left side, write down all the things that need to be done by you. On the right side, write down everything you want (God, Universe, Infinite Intelligence) to do for you! The list on the left should be a long laundry list, like a brain dump. 

Now look at your list and choose only what you MUST do today or would enjoy...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 3-4-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Mar 04, 2024

Got big goals but don’t feel like working?

Hi Beautiful!

I’ve been there! I want to make a difference. I want to feel accomplished, but I can’t find the motivation. 

I want you to know….it’s ok……. We were taught that the only way to accomplish things was to get up, make your bed, do your rigid morning routine, and set good habits. 

Yes and no! These things are all great, but what about you focus on how you feel first? What about feeling good about yourself and all that you DO have before you do any of those things? 

Those things differ from moving the needle forward in your business or life goals. If you are beating yourself up, feeling guilty because you did not check off all the items on your “to-do list,” or feeling like you wasted your day, none of those things mean a darn thing. And I am here to give you permission to release it and let it go!!

Let it go, and let’s GO…… this...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 2-26-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Feb 26, 2024

Break free from waiting, shape your destiny today

Hello Soulful Friend,

Have you ever had those times when you keep hearing the same messages? It may come from different sources and slightly different ways, but still, you feel The Universe trying to get your attention. That was me last week, so I wanted to share a JOLT I created for myself. 

But first, let me tell you what kept showing up for me. I was "tired of waiting" for the perfect time to start something. A new, healthier way of eating: exercising more consistently, drinking more water, launching an idea, taking up a new hobby, spending more time with friends and family, and less time working, etc. All of these have been my thoughts, and as I began implementing this new leading-edge growth, my results were not coming fast enough!

So many of us are waiting to go from "here" to "there ." But in reality, there is no "there". We only have here and now. So many of us believe we will be happy when… I get this, I have...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 2-19-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Feb 19, 2024

JOY in the Bucket List

Good morning, beautiful!

This morning, I wanted to share a piece of an email I subscribe to; one of my mentors, Dana Wilde, has been a positive inspiration to me for years! She exudes “JOY” and happiness. That is why you subscribed to this Weekly Dose of Joy, right? You’ll find it below my JOLT.

Continuing my theme of the most often heard and said word, “BUSY,” let’s tackle this monster together so we can live a life entirely of ease, calm & JOY!

[JJJ - Julie's Joyful JOLT]

I’d love to have more JOY in my life
I’m pretty satisfied most of the time
I’d still like to feel more JOY
I should be thankful and grateful for what I have
I’d still like to feel more fulfilled
I have a pretty good life
I’d still like to have a better life
I feel pretty happy most of the time
I’d like to have more time to do more of what I love
I find myself saying, “I don’t have the time.”
I find myself...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 2-5-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Feb 05, 2024

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Dad

Hello gorgeous!

I want to share a little history in the month of celebrating President's Day, Mardi Gras, Black History Month, Valentine's Day, and Ash Wednesday. My father would be 110 today. He passed away in 2009 at the age of 95 on my son's birthday. We honestly didn't think he would last more than a year after my mom passed in 1992. But he had a purpose, and that was his grandchildren. They brought him JOY.  

He also enjoyed golfing, sitting outside daily soaking up the sunshine (even in Buffalo, NY, in winter), and smoking a big cigar. (It's not my favorite, but sometimes I smell it and think of him.) This was his joy.

"Whenever I visited him, he never failed to extend his generosity, whether it was the $20 he had won at the horse races or a generous gift of $100. He offered it without strings attached, expressing that witnessing our enjoyment brought him immense joy. His only wish was to be present and share in the pleasure as we...

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julie kraschinsky julie's joyful jolt 1-29-24 life coach spirited soul coaching Jan 29, 2024

Transform exhaustion into energy! 

Happy Monday!

Mostly, women are the ones who question themselves the most. Have you heard a man say, “I don’t know what to do?” “What do you think I should do?” “I’m so confused, and I keep going back and forth.” a BIG NO

This week’s JOLT - (my method of Joyfully Overcoming Limited Thinking) focuses on when you have a vision for where you are going; even if it’s just a feeling or a nudge, do not question it. Just keep with it long enough for it to be revealed to you.

[JJJ - Julie's Joyful JOLT]

I often ask myself what it is I truly desire
Do I really even know
What would I really love to do
What is it that I am here on Earth to do
What is my real heart’s desire
What would I love
What brings me the most JOY
I love being (insert) of service
I love (insert yours) sharing what I have learned
I love guiding people to their true calling
I love knowing that I DO have a purpose
I love...

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